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IT Staffing- Direct Hiring

Direct Hiring

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Find Talent You Need

Crystal Equation provides direct hiring services for clients wishing to efficiently match skills and expertise necessary for its full time positions.  As business initiatives continue to evolve, focusing on employee longevity through full time employment while embracing inclusive hiring practices are key reasons for partnering with Crystal Equation.  Benefits of direct hiring with Crystal Equation include:


  • Enhanced ability to match skillsets and experience to positions through a diverse talent pool

  • Reduction in time and expense toward identifying and recruiting talent

  • Budget transparency through up front pricing

  • Shortened time frame for position fulfillment

  • Simplification of the hiring process

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One-Time Placement Fee

Once a candidate is placed through the direct hiring process, Crystal Equation charges a one-time placement fee.  The recruitment process for that position is concluded, and Crystal Equation remains available for clients for any future positions to be filled through the direct hiring process. 

Advance Technology Initiatives

Get started today by scheduling a 30 minute discussion on your business goals and objectives, so that we may cater our services to best meet your needs!

Or, call us at 847-480-7575 today!

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